PIPS Halloween Fall Classic
The PIPS Annual Halloween Fall Classic USPSA match!
We’ll be doing multiple and match fees are tbd.
Setup on Friday at 11:00 and final target stapling Saturday AM starting around 8:00 am
Shooting starts at 10:00 am.
Lunch may be provided following the match. More details to come.
Bays 1 - 7 & trap range reserved. Rifle range and lower bays open.
Pistol Match Setup
Setup for PIPS Halloween Fall Classic on Saturday.
Bays 1 - 7 & trap range reserved until after match on Saturday.
Setup starts at 11:00 AM.
PIPS Year End Banquet
Year end banquet and awards.
Potluck meal.
Whole clubhouse reserved, range open.
Bays 1-5
Setup starts between 2:00 and 3:30!
Shooter's meeting at 5:45. Shooting starts at 6:00.
Open to the public, contact Kevin Collins for more info at pips.mn13@gmail.com
USPSA info can be found at www.uspsa.org This is handgun practical shooting, and FUN!